Jon Cole 

Booster Hall of Fame

His commitment to the community of Williston and his passion for ALL area sports is a prime example of what makes this place special. Every athletes puts countless hours and time into their craft, and having the ability to share their work with loved ones and supporters brings a sense of pride to it. Earlier this year, this candidate was elected into the North Dakota Associated Press Sportswriters and Sportscaster Association Hall of Fame. After 34+ years covering Williston Sports, I strongly believe that Jon Cole is the bridge between athletics and the community. Knowing whether you are playing 9 man football in Crosby or Teton Basketball in The Well, you know Jon is excited to cover it. This excitement spreads among everybody.
Quick personal story. When it was announced that I took this position over a year ago, the first call I got was from this news guy in Williston. After talking with Jon on the phone, the passion and history that I saw on my visit was reaffirmed. Having someone who cares about the local sports is unique. I have said this to you before Jon, and I say it again, I am beyond grateful and appreciative of what you do, not only for WSC but for Williston. With that, I, along with the Teton Booster Club would like to formally announce Jon Cole into the Teton Booster Club Hall of Fame.

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